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Handmade Skin Care for Beginners: 7 Easy All-Natural Recipes You Can Make Right Now

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DIY Oatmeal and Aloe Vera Facial Mask Recipe

This DIY oatmeal and aloe vera facial mask recipe is the perfect anecdote to dull, dry, dehydrated, and environmentally-stressed skin. Plus, it's so easy to make. Whip up this all-natural mask in just minutes with simple ingredients you already have on-hand.

If your skin is dry, looking sallow, and just not feeling its best, I've got the perfect treat for you: a super easy, DIY oat and aloe mask recipe that ranks as one of my (and my students) absolute favorites.

And, yes, I know I say that nearly every recipe is my favorite. I really do have, like, a gazillion favorites. Because it's like asking to choose between your children. I can't because I love them all.

But... back to this mask.

This oatmeal and aloe vera face mask is really is the perfect anecdote to nearly anything that's going on with your skin. For wintertime dullness and dryness. For dehydrated, over-sunned skin. Anytime your skin is environmentally stressed, this mask helps.

Oats gently cleanse, milk smooths and brightens, while aloe soothes and gives your skin an extra kick of hydration.

RECIPE: Oatmeal and Aloe Vera Face Mask
This recipe makes enough for one application. It's best made fresh each time you use it, but it's so simple it's not a chore.

I used store-bought aloe gel for this recipe, but if you have an aloe vera plant you could use fresh gel.  You may have to play around with the measurements, though, depending on how viscous or watery your fresh gel is.

Here's What You'll Need:

1 tablespoon finely ground oats (here's how to make your own)

1 teaspoon powdered milk

2 teaspoons aloe vera gel

STEP 1: In a small bowl, mix the oats and powdered milk until well blended. Stir in the aloe gel and mix well.

STEP 2: Let this mixture set in the bowl for about 5 minutes before you use it to allow the aloe to hydrate the dry ingredients. This ensures you get a good consistency, and the most potent skin care benefits from the ingredients, so don't skip this step.

STEP 3: Give your mask a good stir and it's ready to use.

This mask does have a fairly thick, heavy consistency. But if it seems too too thick to apply easily, add a touch of water to loosen it up a bit.

TO USE: Apply to your face and neck. Let set for 5 to 10 minutes. Remove with a warm cloth and rinse your face well. Mmm, nice!

SHELF LIFE: Best used immediately. If you do have some left over, store it in a covered container in the refrigerator and use within 7 days.

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