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Handmade Skin Care for Beginners: 7 Easy All-Natural Recipes You Can Make Right Now

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DIY Facial Cleanser Recipe: Green Tea Facial Cleansing Milk for Brighter Skin

This all natural DIY facial cleanser recipe is easy to make, with simple kitchen ingredients. But don't think this DIY facial cleanser isn't effective--it will deeply cleanse and brighten your skin without drying. Good for sensitive skin types too! Recipe professionally formulated by Angela Palmer @ Farm Girl Soap Co.

Are you intimidated by the thought of making your own DIY facial cleanser? Do you think you need lots of esoteric ingredients, or that a handmade option just won't be effective enough?

I know I sure did! When I first started out making DIY green beauty products, I loved making bath and body products like sugar scrubs and bath soaks

But when it came to facial products, I was a bit hesitant. After all, facial skin is so delicate. Plus, I was worried that handmade products couldn't compare to the effectiveness of store-bought ones.

I got over that fear (obviously!) and now ALL my facial products are handmade. I can't even remember the last time I bought a facial cleanser.

This all natural DIY facial cleanser recipe is easy to make, with simple kitchen ingredients. But don't think this DIY facial cleanser isn't effective--it will deeply cleanse and brighten your skin without drying. Good for sensitive skin types too! Recipe professionally formulated by Angela Palmer @ Farm Girl Soap Co.

My skin is healthier than ever, and I prefer the results I get from my DIY products. No burning or stinging like I had with store-bought cleansers!

So, if this is your first foray into making a facial cleanser, you'll be pleasantly surprised. This Green Tea Facial Cleansing Milk is easy to make, uses simple kitchen ingredients, and is gentle and good for your skin.

This soap-free DIY cleanser is made as a powder base to ensure it has a nice long, safe, shelf-life, and is hydrated just before each use. 

Ready to meet the star ingredients and their skin benefits?

Skin Benefits: Milk Powder

The base of this cleanser is powdered milk which, if you've never made DIY skin care before may seem a bit strange. But here's why it's a wonderful base for your DIY facial cleanser.

Milk contains fats that help draw dirt and oil without drying your skin out. It also contains an alpha hydroxy acid called lactic acid. Lactic acid helps smooth the skin by dissolving the bonds that hold dead skin cells together.

Milk is gently cleansing, and leaves your skin looking brighter. By using it in it's powdered form, you get all the benefits in a supremely shelf-stable ingredient. You can buy powdered milk at your grocery store. 

Skin Benefits: Green Tea

Green tea is a common ingredient, in both store-bought and DIY skin care products for good reason. Green tea is a powerful antioxidant, which means it helps protect your skin from damage and premature aging.

In this formulation in particular, green tea helps boost the cleansing ability of the product by it's slight astringent property. Again, it's deeply cleansing without being drying.

Learn how to make 7 all-natural skin care products with simple kitchen ingredients. Enroll and get the first lesson sent to your inbox now. Taught by esthetician Angela Palmer of Farm Girl Soap Co.

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Skin Benefits: Oats

If you've followed me for any length of time, you know about my love affair with oats (you've enrolled in my free e-course, right? If not, please do so now. I'll wait...)

Oats are added to many, many of the DIY skin care recipes that I formulate for y'all, and for good reason.

Oats are like the duct tape of the skin care ingredient world--they can do it all.

They're cleansing, dirt- and oil-absorbing, smoothing, softening, and reduce redness and irritation. A little bit of oatmeal gives body to this cleanser, and all those good-for-your-skin benefits too.

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This natural, simple DIY facial cleanser recipe is easy to make, with simple kitchen ingredients. But don't think this DIY facial cleanser isn't effective--it will deeply cleanse and brighten your skin without drying. Good for sensitive skin types too! Recipe professionally formulated by Angela Palmer @ Farm Girl Soap Co.

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means I may earn a small commission—at no extra cost to you—from any sales made through these links. I only recommend products that I personally use and love!

RECIPE: Green Tea and Milk DIY Facial Cleanser

This soap-free facial cleanser recipe is very shelf stable, lasting 12 months or more when stored properly. The recipe below makes a big batch to draw from so that you'll have plenty of cleanser to last for several months.

Here's what you'll need:

1 cup powdered milk

2 tablespoons rolled oats, uncooked

4 teaspoons dried green tea leaves, or contents of 2 green tea bags

STEP 1: Measure out all ingredients into a blender or small food processor (Magic Bullet-type works great).

STEP 2: Blend for 30 seconds or so, until you have a nice, smooth powder. Done!

TO USE: Measure out approximately 1/2 teaspoon of powdered cleanser into your palm. Add just a bit of water to make a smooth paste.

Massage over your face and neck as you would a typical cleanser. Rinse well with warm water. Follow up with an application of toner and moisturizer. I suggest trying the Rosehip and Evening Primrose Anti-Aging Facial Cream; it's to die for!

(These jars with scoops make using your powdered cleanser so easy; I'm obsessed and have half dozen of them on my bathroom counter filled with different cleansing powders, facial masks, and scrubs. They're also the jars used in the pictures in this post--don't they look darling?)

YIELD: Just over 1 cup cleanser base, for about 60 uses.

SHELF LIFE: 1 year when stored in a dry place. Don't introduce water into the jar (i.e. don't dip wet hands into the jar, or store where water can accidentally get into the jar like in the shower.)

This all natural DIY facial cleanser recipe is easy to make, with simple kitchen ingredients. But don't think this DIY facial cleanser isn't effective--it will deeply cleanse and brighten your skin without drying. Good for sensitive skin types too! Recipe professionally formulated by Angela Palmer @ Farm Girl Soap Co.

More DIY Facial Products To Add to Your Routine:

Don't forget to enroll in the FREE DIY Green Beauty for Beginners E-Course! Sign up now to get started with the first lesson.

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